Waffle Plate Cleaning

How do I clean my waffle maker?


When it comes to waffles JMPosner are the place to go. So although it may seem boring its necessary and here is some useful advice on a great method of cleaning the non stick waffle plates on your waffle maker.


It is important for maintenance and hygiene reasons to keep your non stick plate waffle maker in great condition and to clean it thoroughly. It is difficult to keep your non stick plates clean and free from carbon and oil build up when you are serving waffles all day to hungry customers,


So here is a quick, easy and effective way of keeping it clean , repeat this method on a daily basis using a damp cloth and it will maintain your non-stick plates for longer:



Four Simple Steps to Clean Your Waffle Maker


Set your machine to 120 degrees

Use 2 or 3 damp cloths

Heat for 2 x 3 minutes 30 seconds cycles

Brush clean with a non-abrasive brush